Invisible mouthguards for correcting bite defects are a revolutionary device, so its advantages, of course, prevail over disadvantages.
Among the positive aspects of treatment with aligners, we note the following:
- Ease of use;
- High aesthetics – mouthguards are absolutely invisible to others;
- The design is removable, and can be easily removed and put on by the patient himself;
- The material from which the mouthguards are made – polycarbonate, is not subject to staining from food products;
- Thanks to the effect on the entire surface of the tooth crown, full control over the movement of the tooth is achieved;
- The mouthguard does not injure the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
- Getting used to aligners happens very quickly – from several hours to 1-2 days;
- Daily oral hygiene when using aligners is not difficult – they are removed before the procedure;
- There is no need for special hygiene for the mouthguard itself – it is enough to clean it with a brush and wash it with warm running water;
- The mouthguards are securely fixed on the teeth thanks to the technique of manufacturing according to individual impressions. If necessary (if the mouthguard falls off), the doctor can apply a special retaining compound to several teeth;
- Teeth whitening can be performed simultaneously with occlusion correction.
- A patient who wants to install aligners in Moscow or any other city with a dental clinic providing services of this kind should have an idea of the stages of the procedure through which they have to go.

Regardless of the choice of the manufacturer of the mouthguards, the installation and wearing process has the following approximate form:
The doctor collects data on the patient’s bite: makes impressions from polyvinylsiloxane material, plaster models, occlusal template, orthopantomogram. In addition, it is imperative that
photographs of the patient’s face in various angles with and without a smile, photographs of the dentition. A treatment plan is drawn up, an application is filled out, and all collected materials are transferred to the company that manufactures mouthguards.
The stage of computer 3D modeling includes the creation of a volumetric model of the patient’s teeth, modeling of the intended advancement of the teeth and the intended result. At this stage, the required duration of treatment is predicted, the issue that is most of all interested in the patient who wants to install aligners is finally resolved – the cost of treatment.
At the manufacturing stage, the aligners themselves are cast directly; on average, their number for the treatment of one patient is about 30 pairs. However, depending on the degree of curvature of the bite, the given figure can vary widely. By the way, the number of aligners required for a course of treatment is a very significant pricing factor for invisible braces, the price here directly depends on the duration of treatment.
The stage of wearing aligners. The duration of the course of treatment with aligners is on average 1 year, but it can vary from several months to two years, depending on the degree of malocclusion. Before starting treatment, the doctor instructs the patient in detail about the rules for using aligners, issues several sets of aligners for self-replacement.
The basic rules for wearing aligners are as follows:
Each set of aligners is replaced with a new one (designed to develop a gradual advance of the tooth in a given direction) two weeks after installation. The patient carries out the replacement independently;
Aligners need to be worn for 20-22 hours a day, they should be removed at the time of eating and carrying out daily hygiene procedures;
Do not use damaged aligners (for example, those with cracks);
The patient visits the dentist every 5-6 weeks to monitor the treatment.
Aligners Invisalign – the price of these aligners in relation to the maximum degree of comfort and effectiveness of treatment makes them the best option. This statement is confirmed by the statistics of treatment with mouthguards of this American manufacturer – Invisalign mouthguards are very popular today in Russia. The peculiarities of the aligners of this brand can be considered a very thin material, which contributes to a very quick adaptation and the achievement of the greatest wearing comfort.
Aligners Star Smile is a worthy alternative to Russian-made Invisaline devices. Aligners of this company are manufactured in Moscow, which allows Russian patients to save time and start dental treatment much earlier. At the same time, the cost of treatment is somewhat lower.
Among the popular models of aligners should also be called
Ortosnap mouthguards – budget aligners of the American manufacturer;
Clear Correct – aligners positioned as environmentally friendly and non-irritating to the oral mucosa in the most sensitive patients;
Invisible All In – aligners from the Italian manufacturer.