The device is a completely transparent aligners, gradually and gently affecting the patient’s dentition, directing each tooth to the ideal location (to put it simply, aligners are a kind of transparent braces). Thus, the advantages of bite correction with aligners stem from the features of the design itself, and the first of them is invisibility.
The Smile-City clinic on Voikovskaya offers its patients the services of qualified specialists in bite correction – dental treatment with aligners in Moscow. We have many years of experience working with aligners Invisalign, and these are not just words – behind this statement hides several hundred ideal smiles of our patients (you can see the photos of our work using aligners – before and after – you can see below).
Of course, the advantages of transparent aligners cannot be underestimated. However, before making the final decision – to install braces or aligners to correct a specific defect – it will not be superfluous to study the key points of installation and use of the latter, as well as familiarize yourself with their few, but in some sense, significant shortcomings.
In this article, we will touch in particular on the most important point that worries all, without exception, patients who want to install aligners to straighten their teeth – the price of the issue.
Aligners for teeth – price
Those who consider aligners as a way to treat malocclusion, the cost of such a device in Moscow or another city in Russia, of course, is of primary interest. Note that the main pricing factors are:
- the complexity of the correction;
- the duration of the course of treatment;
- the required number of mouthguards.
- Aligners Invisalign will be the most expensive for a Russian patient (including postage), but their cost is still comparable to the price of a high-quality and aesthetic bracket system. If we talk about Ortosnap aligners, the price (in Moscow) will be much lower, since this way the company does not include postage in the cost.
You can get advice from a qualified orthodontist regarding the possibilities of successful treatment with aligners in your particular case by contacting SMILE CITY dentistry. With us you will forever forget that you were once ashamed of your smile. You will learn more about the possibilities of modern dentistry (about the latest methods of removable dental prosthetics and occlusion correction and much more) from the materials presented on our portal.
The Smile-City clinic on Voykovsko in Moscow offers patients the correction of malocclusion with 3D-Smile and Invisalign aligners. Orthodontic aligners are invisible, easy to use, do not break diction. Good transport accessibility of the clinic and profitable promotions and discounts are additional benefits that our patients receive.
What problems will dental aligners solve?
If we talk about the possibilities of treatment with aligners in comparison with braces, it should be noted that it is unlikely that it will be possible to correct serious smile defects with the help of aligners. Nevertheless, much in this case depends on the professionalism of the orthodontist leading the process, as well as the patient’s persistence and diligence.
Let’s list the main indications for the use of aligners in orthodontics:
- The presence of gaps between the teeth, including the diastema (a fairly common defect is the visible gap between the upper central incisors);
- Crowded Teeth – Teeth that are too close together, in clusters, overlapping each other;
- Deep bite – significant forward movement of the upper dentition;
- Crossbite – teeth from the upper row are located on both sides (in front and behind) of the teeth in the lower row;
- Mesial bite – protrusion of the lower jaw;
- Disturbances in the shape of the dentition;
- Slight inclination of the teeth.
However, treatment with invisible aligners has contraindications. So, aligners are not used for such diseases and conditions:
- severe pathologies of the nervous system;
- anomalies of the jaw skeleton;
- periodontal disease;
- the presence of unerupted (impacted) teeth;
- the presence of hard dental deposits;
- diseases of the alveolar tissues;
- severe somatic diseases;
- age up to 12 years.